Black hole accretion in Alps 2011
6–13 August 2011
- Michal Bursa (Prague)
- Pavel Greskovic (Prague)
- Petr Hadrava (Prague)
- Jiri Horak (Prague)
- Vladimir Karas (Prague)
- Devaky Kunneriath (Prague)
- Tomas Pechacek (Prague)
- Peter Schneider (Bonn)
- Ladislav Subr (Prague)
- Monica Valencia (Cologne)
Scientific programme
We saved most of time for discussions and work on subjects connected with current research projects of the group members:
- Estimating black-hole spins from spectral continuum and Fe florescence
- Hydrodynamical modelling of HMXRB winds
- Star dynamics in galaxy cores
- Turbulence in accretion flow
- Polarization of Sgr A* radiation and X-ray polarization in general
- Weak gravitational lensing
Ginzling (Austria)