Black hole accretion in Alps 2020
25 July–01 September 2020
- Anabella Araudo (Astronomical Institute CAS)
- Michal Bursa (Astronomical Institute CAS)
- Michal Dovčiak (Astronomical Institute CAS)
- Jiří Horák (Astronomical Institute CAS)
- Vladimír Karas (Astronomical Institute CAS)
- Kris Schroven (Astronomical Institute CAS)
- Petra Suková (Astronomical Institute CAS)
- Wenda Zhang (Astronomical Institute CAS)
Scientific programme
We saved most of our time for discussions and work on subjects connected with current research projects of the Prague Relativistic Group:
- X-ray polarization of AGNs and black-hole binaries
- X-ray coronae in AGNs
- Structure of accretion disks and radiative transfer in disks
- Relativistic jets
- Galactic center observations
Höf 60, Salzburg Lungau, Austria