Vladimír Karas
is Research Scientist and Professor of Astrophysics at the Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague.
Over the past decade, Vladimir served as the Institute director.
Research & Teaching
Science interests
Research papers
Magazine articles and translations
PhD projects and teaching
Group seminars
Meetings & Conferences
James Webb Space Telescope: I-HOW Hands-On Workshop
(Torun, 14-25 July 2025)
Appearance and dynamics of accretion onto black holes
(Prague, 5-9 November 2024);
Galactic and extragalactic X-ray transients, theory and...
(Warsaw, 9-11 September 2024)
Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
(Prague, 12-16 September 2022)
Cologne-Prague-Brno: Black-Hole Activity...
(Brno, 1-3 June 2022)
James Webb Space Telescope: Master Class
(Prague, 3-5 March 2020)
Probing Strong Gravity near Black Holes
(Prague, 15-18 February 2010)
Black Holes – From Stars to Galaxies
(Prague, 21-25 August 2006).